This post marks my first foray into fiction on this blog. It’s actually a bit of a two-parter. My v. fancy friend Kerry and I both wrote individual stories based on a pretty inceptional drawing that I made that’s probably museum quality, not to toot my own horn. Part two is also based on the picture, but it’s a joint story that we collaborated on. It’s like a remix or a mash up or like when your two favorite musical artists make a song together. Part two will be up tomorrow, I hope you can hold in your excitement until then!!!
Having slipped into her favorite red dress, Karen stood at the door to the living quarters in the house she shared with her husband of 25 years. She felt empowered in this dress, attractive, even. She carefully wrapped a string of space pearls around her neck and let her fingers run along their smooth surface as she stood, watching her husband. The pearls had been an anniversary gift many years ago. She had even bought some new shoes for tonight. At fifteen thousand filborts, they were a bit of a splurge, but it wasn’t as if they couldn’t afford them. Besides, she treated herself to little gifts so rarely.
Karen’s husband Mark was an independently wealthy real estate mogul. He had come from a poor family in a bad part of town, but he studied hard and worked harder until he had built himself an empire. His passion was what attracted Karen to him in the first place. In the early years of their marriage, they worked closely with the poor community: repairing damaged space buildings, replacing rusting pipes, building playgrounds for the children, and delivering meals to the elderly.
Twelve years into their marriage, Mark’s real estate company started booming. Mark and Karen were thrilled by the prospect of having more space money to spend helping those who needed it, but as time went on, Mark’s demands at work got too heavy and his time off was spent recovering from work at home. Not that Karen minded. It was nice to finally spend some time together. Maybe now they could start thinking about starting a family. Mark disagreed, however, insisting that there would be time later. Now was the time for buying homes and taking fabulous vacations.
Karen stood in her red dress at the door to the living quarters in the house she shared with Mark. They never had a family. By the time Mark was ready, the space doctor told Karen that she was too old, and there might be complications. She stared at Mark. He was sitting in his usual chair, staring mindlessly at the enormous space television. It had been so long since she had seen the passion in his eyes.
Mark looked at her, furrowing his amphibious brow.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“Mark, tonight I am going out for a nice meal and I’d like you to come with me.” She had made up her mind.
“I don’t think so Karen. I’ve had a demanding week.”
Karen’s gaze dropped to the floor for a quarter of a second. If Mark had been looking at her, he would have seen tears in her eyes. She cleared her throat and walked over to her husband that she had loved so deeply for the past 25 years and lightly touched her lips to his cheek.
“Goodbye, Mark,” she said, grabbing her bag and leaving the house she had shared with her husband of 25 years. Which was weird because they had no lips.

lolololol @ the picture.