With every day gone by, I lose hope that I will ever find you. It has been 20 days since it happened, and as of this afternoon I have only come across one group of living people. They hadn't seen you. There are rumors, they said, of a camp up north where people have gathered, where food and shelter are available. Maybe you're there, they said. I can only hope.
It's so cold, Janet. Tonight I've taken shelter in an abandoned home near the river. It's been looted and the timber is still smoldering, but it shields me from the piercing winds. I pray that you are in the camp up north. I pray that they are keeping you warmer than I am. I pray that you're not weak with hunger.
O, kind Janet! How I miss gazing upon your beautiful face, losing myself in your bright blue eyes! How I miss holding you, talking about nothing and everything for hours on end! Elegant Janet, how I long to once more be able to share one more night with you eating Domino's new Pizza Bowls!
Beautiful Janet, when I find myself losing faith in this new grey, unforgiving world, I think back to our first night having Domino's new Pizza Bowls. I think back to the bowl, make of pizza crust. Garlicky. Salty. Bowl-shaped. I think of the full pound of cheese in each personal Pizza Bowl; the sauce, almost sickeningly sweet. I think of the various toppings offered: pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and other meats. But most of all, my agreeable Janet, I think of the corn. The corn! Each of Domino's new Pizza Bowls is literally filled with more corn than you have ever seen in your life! More corn than any sane person would willingly eat! One full pound of mozzarella* cheese, pizza sauce, various toppings and enough corn to feed a small Vietnamese village all in one garlicky, edible bowl for only 7.99 each! O Janet, how I miss that night.
It is time to say goodnight, my stalwart Janet. Tomorrow I will continue my search for you. I found a punctured can of Spam on the road yesterday. I planned to save it for longer, but I've already collapsed twice today, and I fear if I don't eat soon I will never see your normal face again. I pray that I see you soon, O sturdy Janet, and we can once again eat Domino's new Pizza Bowls, even in this new dark, cold reality.
E. Hemmingway